competitionSITE AREA
10700 sq.m.BUILD UP AREA
25000 sq.m.TYPE
Clermont-Ferrand, France
EcoRings in the Park
architecture | residential
competitionSITE AREA
10700 sq.m.BUILD UP AREA
25000 sq.m.TYPE
Clermont-Ferrand, France
The site of St. Jean in Clermont Ferrand is looking for a new identity. This project aims to achieve this by transforming the site from a sink zone to a new destination area and a new desirable urban nucleus.
The new designed ring houses become the heart of the housing concept. They are organized in linear strip plots in North-South direction with intermediate spaces, crossings and passages, diagonal and vertical walks with perfect links and connections to the surrounding areas.
The building cluster consists of three Eco Ring Units are planned with housing typologies & units, 300 dwellings: 50 to 150sqm on 5 levels. The diversity of apartments and intermediate housing types, inside and outside shared spaces, individual and common areas and uses, gives the possibility of versatility and flexibility and generation mix.
The density of urban forms and typologies goes close together with sustainable bioclimatic building parameters and economic use of space.
The Eco Ring in the Park Project is an urban solution which mutates and reflects the desires and imagination of the people who will come to live, work, relax here for all their live or just for an hour.